July 19, 2019 – BRFM Update

The following is an update on what BRFM has been up to over the last month: 3rd Party Engagement Public Relations BRFM has engaged John Larsen of Edelman until December to plan and help us implement a positioning strategy. The main focus will be on Council and the community, with John’s first action being to help us to define…

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May 22, 2019 – BRFM Update

A new provincial government has been elected and engagement with contacts within the UCP party started right away. If you have contacts within the Party, please reach out to them or share the contact with us. It is time to grow our circle of influence. Engagement group is formed – The engagement consultant hired by Klohn Crippen Berger (the…

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March 18, 2019 – BRFM Meeting Minutes with City of Calgary

BRFM receives final version of the minutes from December 11, 2018 meeting with City of Calgary Administration. The meeting focused on groundwater protection and the City of Calgary’s plans for further study. https://www.bownessrfm.ca/pdf/BRFM%20meeting-20181211-Final.pdf

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January 23, 2019 – BRFM reviews City’s study design for GW

BRFM reviews the City’s scope of study for the Hydrogeological/Geotechnical program (“SoS”) in support of the preliminary engineering phase of the City’s proposed Bowness Barrier project. BRFM requested the SoS from the City for review by an independent senior hydrogeologist. BRFM’s expert identified 10 concerns with the proposed study design and BRFM requested a meeting between City hydrogeologist and…

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